CEO's Report

December 2024

Dear Members,

Community Support by your Club

Supporting and giving back to the local community is something we are all passionate about.  This year the Club continued to prioritise our community support and we are very proud to share with  members our 2024 contributions.  In addition to providing a welcoming, friendly and secure environment for citizens, subsidised amenities such as live entertainment, meeting rooms, events and affordable dining, the Club has contributed enormously with direct financial support. For the 12 months ended 31st August 2024, the Club provided direct community support to 78 community groups and 97 Registered Charities to the value of $1,039,411.  This was made up of cash donations of $914,411 and in-kind donations of $125,000. A list of successful applicants can be found on the Club’s website under Your Club /Community / Club Grants.  This also details how to apply.

New Club update
The Club has experienced numerous delays in gaining the Licence for the new Club. The Club Licence removal from the current site at 96 Shaftesbury Road to the new site known as 2 George St Burwood was approved by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority on 19th June 2024. The removal/transfer only takes place upon opening of the new Club. Unfortunately, the approval is for gaming machines to only operate until 2am, currently the Club trades until 3am. The Club has lodged an appeal to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) for this decision to be reviewed. At the time of writing NCAT has not determined whether the appeal can proceed.

This has caused scheduling of all work to be pushed back. The Development Approval for the new Club mandates that work on site must commence by the end of 2027, otherwise the DA will lapse. Therefore, this is the absolute deadline that construction will commence. However, it is genuinely hoped and if at all possible work will commence much sooner.

Digital images of the new club and other information is available on the club website. The images of the proposed new Club are also on display at Club Burwood RSL.

Free Perpetual Membership
There has been recent changes to legislation governing Clubs. Two of these changes is the removal of the 5 kilometre radius rule which required visitors residing within 5 kilometres to the Club to become a member to gain admittance unless they are a member of a like Club. The other member change is the removal of the minimum fee of $2 per year for membership.
Due to these changes the Club has introduced Free Perpetual membership. Membership is now free for existing Social members and new members.

Current Members
With free membership, member cards with 2024 expiry please present your card to Club reception and it will be replaced free of charge. This also applies when cards expire in subsequent; 2025, 2026 etc.

There is now no expiry on our new cards as membership is perpetual. However, Membership will lapse should one of the below occur:

  1. Card is not used in one of our Clubs for 3 years. This means your membership card must be swiped at a point of sale for food, beverage, raffle, show ticket or a gaming machine.
  2. At the members request.
  3. Member is deceased.

Should you know someone who is not a member and visits our Clubs please encourage them to become a perpetual member – it’s free and has numerous benefits.

Digital Member Cards

Digital membership cards are now available free of charge. There are 2 ways to get your digital card:

  1. Scan the QR code located in our Clubs and follow the prompts.
  2. The Clubs Web site under membership.

Digital Members cards to be stored in your mobile phone’s wallet. Members may have both the plastic card and digital card or one card only. To earn Gold Bucks whilst playing a poker machine your plastic membership card must be inserted in the machine.

Tiering information is not printed on the plastic card. However, it will be visible on the digital card. Members will be able to check their tier status at any POS or gaming machine.

Sports Clubs
The Club has 7 internal Sports Clubs who play both social and competitively. Companionship, friendship and a good time is just as important as the sport. Clubs include Billiards and Snooker, Darts, Indoor and Outdoor Bowls, Golf, Fishing and Camera/photography. New members are always welcome, should you be interested details and contacts are included on the Club web site under Sports Life.

Christmas Activities

  1. Club Burwood RSL will be open from 11am to 3am on Christmas Day.

Lunch Dining options: The Brassiere and Café/Bistro will offer the normal menu plus Christmas specials. The renown Christmas Buffet will be held in the Entertainment Dome.
Dinner: The Café/Bistro will remain open all day until midnight. Brasserie will be closed.
Please refer to the separate advertising for dining and entertainment on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

All Club promotions over the Christmas festive period will continue as normal except for Christmas Day and New Years Eve when all promotions will be cancelled.

At the RSL 20 half hams will be added to each raffle from Friday 1st December until Christmas Eve, except Monday Madness which will have 12 half hams added.  During the same period there will be 5 hams included in the Friday and Sunday Raffles at Croydon Park Club.

  1. Club Burwood will be open from 11am to 4am on Christmas Day, Café 97 will be open 11am to 10pm. Normal trading all other days.
  2. Croydon Park Club will be closed on Christmas day. Both trading hours and promotions will continue as normal on all other days.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Management and Staff, I wish all members a happy Christmas and a great 2025. Additionally, I extend sincere thanks to all members for your continued support and contribution to the ongoing success of the Club.

Kind regards,

Andrew Anderson
December 2024

Important Information

Restrictions announced on Sunday 22 March 2020 have resulted in the closure Club Burwood RSL, Club Burwood & Croydon Park effective immediately.
We support these restrictions to combat the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of our Staff and Members during this unprecedented time.
When the time is safe, we look forward to welcoming you all back.
Please stay up to date with us via social media and take care of yourselves.
