Employment Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Details*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Are you over 18 years old?*
Are you an Australian Citizen?*
Are you legally entitled to work in Australia?*
If NO are you?
Are you willing to work in smoking areas?*
Do you hold a current driver's licence?*


Have you obtained and hold a current

RSA Certificate*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
RCG Certificate*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY


Employment Status*
DD slash MM slash YYYY


Please indicate the days and times you are available and willing to work. All 3 Clubs operate 7 days a week and trade until late hours each night. The following schedule is used as part of our selection criteria and if you are successful your availability will be used to create your weekly roster. If your availability should change after your commencement date and you no longer meet the requirements of the business. Club Burwood Group may reserve the right to discontinue your employment.

Time of Availability*
Are you prepared to work?*


School/Institution/University (From-To) PLUS (IF) Degree or Certificate obtained
Employers Name (From-To) Position Held Reason for Leaving


If this application involves working with children you will be required to provide a clearance under the new “Working with children check”. Due to the nature of some positions you may be required to obtain a National Criminal History Record Certificate

Do you have any objections to Club Burwood contacting your past or present employers?

Please list at least 2 business referees. Please note these need to be previous or current Managers

Are you prepared to be examined by our doctor?
Fully COVID vaccinated*
Please indicate if you have received both doses of an approved COVID vaccination
Max. file size: 8 MB.
If you have a PDF version of your COVID vaccination certificate on your device please upload it here. If your certificate is only available for display within your Service NSW or Medicare app please take a screen shot of the certificate on your device and upload the screen shot here.
Have you ever been discharged from employment because your conduct or performance was not satisfactory?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?*
Have you ever been employed by the Club Burwood Group, Club Burwood RSL, Club Burwood, Burwood Sports Club, Croydon Park Ex-Servicemen’s Club ?*
Are you currently a Club Burwood Member?*


1. I authorise the Club to obtain information from any person concerning my suitability for employment with the Club and I hereby release any such person from liability for any damage, claims, costs and expenses that may arise from the provision of such information. I further declare that a false or misleading answer to any question in this application will be regarded as misconduct and will be grounds for my dismissal from employment.

2. If accepted for employment I agree to carry out any and all duties allocated to me in accordance with the framework of the Award definitions and conditions as contained in the Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees (Club Employees) State Award in force at this time or as may be in force in future through amendments.

3. If employed, I acknowledge that I will be employed for a probationary period of 6 months only, at the end of which time my employment will need to be confirmed by the HR Manager or General Manager.

4. If employed I agree to accept all reasonable directions by Management and/or the delegated authority and to adhere to the rules of the Club as set out in the Staff Manual. I agree to sign and return the Staff Manual Acknowledgment Form prior to commencement of duties.

5. I acknowledge that only the HR Manager and General Manager of the Club are authorised to employ staff and I accept that any appointment made by any other person is not valid.
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Max. file size: 8 MB.
Clear Signature
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Important Information

Restrictions announced on Sunday 22 March 2020 have resulted in the closure Club Burwood RSL, Club Burwood & Croydon Park effective immediately.
We support these restrictions to combat the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of our Staff and Members during this unprecedented time.
When the time is safe, we look forward to welcoming you all back.
Please stay up to date with us via social media and take care of yourselves.
