Club Members
Constitution & By Laws
Download the Constitution of The Burwood RSL Club Limited
Download the Burwood RSL Club Ltd By-Laws
Dress & Conduct
Patrons dress must be clean and not offensive. Patrons conduct must be orderly and not offensive. Club Management / Security are authorised to remove anyone from the premises:
- Not suitably dressed or presented.
- Not permitted: Caps, singlets, overalls, short shorts, swimwear and offensive motifs.
- For inappropriate language, offensive gestures or racism.
- Who is drunk, disorderly, violent, or suspected of taking illicit substances.
- Who breaches the Clubs’ Constitution or Bi-Laws or any Statutory requirements.
- The promotion and display of wearing of colours is not permitted at this venue
- Food & beverages for consumption must not be brought into the Club
Privacy Policy
Burwood RSL Club Ltd (BRSL) recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected about our members. Our purpose is to assure all members that BRSL will comply with both the letter and spirit of the Privacy ACT 1988.
We are bound by the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1998. BRSL takes seriously its obligations to safeguard personal information about its members. This policy formalises and strengthens this commitment to our members.
- Collection of Personal Information
BRSL will not collect personal information unless the information is necessary for BRSL’s functions or purposes. Personal information will be collected only by lawful and fair means. BRSL is required to collect personal information under law for example, Registered Clubs Act and occupational health and safety regulations.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is collected directly from the individual and that individuals are advised of the purpose for which we collect the information. You have the right to access any information held about you.
- Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal information is used for the primary purpose for which it is collected or a related purpose where you would reasonably expect the information to be used, such as promotions, ticketing and turbo. You have the right to request that your information not be used for related purposes. Whilst we will not use the personal information for any other purpose without your consent, we reserve the right to use the information in circumstances relating to the public interest. These circumstances may be related to:
-legal demand for the information from a law enforcement agency;
-public or individual health and safety issue.
BRSL does not share your personal information with other companies except where it has contractual arrangements for the provision of services, such as mail outs with third party suppliers who need access to this information to provide the relevant service. However, we require these suppliers to adhere to the principles of the Privacy Act and to strict conditions governing how your personal information is used.
Information from our databases will not be sold to other companies, organisations or individuals.
2.1 Marketing
Personal information used for direct marketing purposes is used only in respect to our own products and services. BRSL will not send you unsolicited advertising information without your consent. If you are receiving promotional information about BRSL and do not wish to receive this information any longer, you may advise that your details be removed from the list.
- Quality of Personal Information
BRSL policies and procedures aim to ensure that the personal information held is accurate, complete and current. BRSL relies on the correctness of information you provide. We therefore encourage you to advise us of any changes to that information. - Security of Personal Information
BRSL will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss and unauthorised access and to destroy personal information no longer required unless the law states it is to be kept. Personal information is stored on secure servers that are protected in controlled environments.
Employees are required to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held and is accessible only by those required to use it to perform their duties.
BRSL employees are obligated not to disclose information to third parties without appropriate authorisation.
4.1 Video Surveillance
Committed to providing a secure environment for members and guests and to maintain the integrity of operations BRSL premises are under constant surveillance. Information may be collected and used to prevent suspected illegal and undesirable activities. Signage is located at entry points notifying patrons of the surveillance.
4.2 Destruction of Personal Information
All personal information collected and no longer required by law will be securely destroyed.
- Openness
BRSL policy on its management of personal information as set out in this document is available upon request. - Access and Correction
Should you wish to access your personal information a written request is required to be lodged with the Privacy Officer. You will be required to provide suitable identification to enable us to protect the security and privacy of your personal information.
BRSL reserves the right to withhold personal information under certain circumstances, such as, if:
-providing access would pose a serious or imminent threat to the life or health of any individual;
-providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals;
-the request for access is frivolous or vexatious;
-providing access would be unlawful, would prejudice any legal investigations or would compromise the integrity of BRSL operations.
- Identifiers
BRSL does not adopt, use or disclose an identifier that has been assigned by a Commonwealth agency. - Anonymity
You may choose not to provide personal information. However, we do have operational and legal obligations to collect personal information for some types of transactions and activities. If you do not provide the required personal information, you may not be able to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, these activities. - Transborder Data Flows
BRSL does not disclose personal information to any person or organisation in a foreign country. - Sensitive Information
BRSL does not collect sensitive information unless;
– you have consented;
– it is required by law.
- Changes in the Future
BRSL reserves the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time. - Further Information on Privacy
For further information on the BRSL Privacy Policy you may enquire at the Club reception or contact the Privacy Officer by: Telephone: 8741 2835; Mailing: Privacy Officer, Club Burwood RSL PO Box 26 Burwood NSW 1805
For further information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, you may visit the Federal Commissioner’s website at
Responsible Gambling
Club Burwood understands the importance of providing responsible gaming programs and initiatives to assist those people who may experience difficulties with their gaming activities and to ensure that all our patrons are well informed.
There is a wide range of free, confidential help throughout NSW for people with gambling problems, or for family or friends of a person who might have a gambling problem. All of it is available via the 24-hour, seven day a week – GambleAware (NSW) telephone assistance and referral service on freecall 1800 858 858
Problem gamblers and their families can also access a range of support and self-help options by going to
We’re here to seek help:
GambleAware: 1800 858 858
Gamblers Anonymous: 029 564 1574
Lifeline: 13 1114
Help is close at hand GambleAware
1800 858 858
Gambling Self-Exclusion
Club Burwood has gambling harm minimisation measures in place which are fully compliant with the Club Gaming Code of Practice.
Self-exclusion is a voluntary self-help program designed to offer anyone the ability to ban themselves from the Club’s gaming area or entire venue in order to take back control of their gambling habits.
Through ClubSAFE, you can sign a deed of self-exclusion (From a minimum of six months up to four years) and the venues that you wish to be excluded from.
This is an anonymous and confidential service which helps you to take a break from gambling and get back on track. Please ask our friendly reception staff for more information on how self-exclusion works.
ClubSAFE also offers support and information to Club patrons who may have a gambling problem, as well as offer support for family and friends who may be affected by a problem gambler. The ClubSAFE counselling service is a free and confidential phone service available to Club patrons, providing crisis counselling support and further options for assistance.
For confidential counselling advice:
ClubSAFE Counselling:
1800 99 77 66 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm)
Gambling Policy Statement
Our venue encourages the responsible use of gambling facilities within the Club and abides by the Club Gaming Code of Practice.
The Board of Club Burwood Group have formally adopted the following policy statement and will always endeavour to:
- Ensure the provision and use of gambling products occur in a safe and enjoyable manner;
- Prioritise customer welfare and sustainable gambling activities;
- Adopt responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the Club Gaming Code of Practice; and
- Promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry.
Company | Phone | |
Club Burwood Group | (02) 8741 2821 | |
Responsible Gambling Provider | (02) 9268 6000 | |
GambleAWARE NSW | (02) 9590 1148 | |
Licensing Police | (02) 9745 8520 | |
Our Club’s Gaming Code of Practice Implementation Plan has been approved by the Board of Directors on 20 June 2023.
Download the Club’s Gaming Code of Practice Implementation Plan
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Responsible serving of alcohol is vital for health, comfort of patrons and community reasons.
Club Burwood has adopted the following policy which provides a framework for the Responsible Service of Alcohol:
- In order to prevent under-age access and drinking, we will require proof of age to be provided upon request, this may include a valid driver’s licence, passport, or proof of age for anyone who appears to look under 25 years old.
- Person who are intoxicated will be refused admission to the Club.
- We will display and refer to intoxication signs in order to support our responsible attitude and meet the requirements of legislation.
- No patron will be served triple nips of spirits.
- Any patron in the Club will be denied service if they are deemed to be intoxicated by the Club.
- We will support and actively promote initiatives to safeguard the well-being of our patrons by actively marketing and promoting non-alcoholic drinks and promoting food sales.
In NSW various Acts control the sale and service of alcohol. There are four basic points which are relevant to responsible serving practices.
- A person shall not sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years.
- A licensee shall not permit intoxication or any indecent, violent, or quarrelsome conduct on their licensed premises.
- A person shall not sell or supply any liquor to any person who is at the time in a state of intoxication.
- Where a person is intoxicated on the licensed premises, the licensee shall be deemed to have permitted intoxication on the premises unless they and their employees took all reasonable steps to prevent intoxication on the licensed premises.
If you are drunk, disorderly, or violent on these premises we will ask you to leave. If you fail to leave when asked you are committing an offence which may result in an on-the-spot fine of $550 for each office, and maximum court fines of $5,500.
As a venue of responsible service of alcohol, patrons who wish to exclude themselves from liquor service may do so by entering into a self-exclusion agreement with the Club.
Under the agreement, the Club can lawfully stop you from entering or staying on Club premises.
Please ask our friendly reception staff for more information regarding liquor self-exclusion.
Whistle Blower Policy
The objective of this policy is to ensure that all employees are aware of their rights in relation to disclosing any malpractice or misconduct of which they become aware; and provide protection for employees who disclose any such allegations.
This policy applies to all officers and employees of Burwood RSL Club Ltd. Third parties, such as contractors, suppliers, and relatives or dependents of officers or employees, may also use the procedures in this policy.
This policy will be made available via Club Burwood Group staff manual and staff noticeboards. For further information about this policy please contact the HR Manager.
Reportable conduct
This policy applies to the disclosure of information which a person has reasonable grounds to suspect concerns misconduct, or an improper state of affairs or circumstances in relation to the Club. This would likely include:
- fraud;
- corruption;
- illegal activities or conduct (including theft, drug sale/use, violence, threatened violence, or criminal damage against Burwood RSL Club Ltd assets/property);
- discrimination, vilification, sexual harassment, harassment, bullying and victimisation;
- acts or omissions in breach of commonwealth or state legislation or local authority by-laws;
- other serious improper conduct (including gross mismanagement, serious and substantial waste of Burwood RSL Club Ltd resources, or repeated breaches of administrative procedures);
- unsafe work-practices;
- any other improper conduct which may cause financial or non-financial loss to Burwood RSL Club Ltd or be otherwise detrimental to the interests or reputation of Burwood RSL Club Ltd, or any of its employees; or
- the deliberate concealment of information tending to show any of the matters listed above.
Please see the Club’s Grievance Procedure on how personal workplace or other matters that are not covered by this policy may be dealt with.
Protection of whistleblower
This policy is designed to give guidance so that honesty and integrity are maintained at all times by Burwood RSL Club Ltd.
Subject to this policy and the relevant legislation, a whistleblower may be protected, even if the disclosed allegations or information prove to be incorrect (although a person who maliciously or vexatiously makes disclosures or makes false disclosures may be subject to disciplinary action).
The Corporations Act 2001 gives special protection to disclosures about wrongdoing relating to the Club if the following conditions are satisfied:
- The whistleblower is or has been:
- an officer or employee of the Club;
- an individual who supplies goods or services to the Club or an employee of a person who supplies goods or services to the Club;
- an individual who is an associate of the Club; or
- a relative, dependent or dependent of the spouse of any individual referred to at (a) to (c) above;
- The report is made to:
- the people designated within this policy;
- an officer or senior manager of the Club;
- The Club’s external auditor (or a member of that audit team);
- APRA; or
- a legal practitioner for the purpose of obtaining legal advice or legal representation in relation to the operation of the whistleblower provisions in the Corporations Act;
- The whistleblower has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information being disclosed concerns misconduct, or an improper state of affairs or circumstances in relation to the Club. This may include a breach of legislation including the Corporations Act, an offence against the Commonwealth punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more, or conduct that represents a danger to the public or financial system.
No detriment
The Club will not take any adverse action against a whistleblower because they have made a disclosure which meet the above-mentioned conditions, unless the whistleblower is a participant in the prohibited activities with respect to which the complaint is made.
If a disclosure qualifies for protection under the applicable legislation, the protection afforded to the discloser overrides any provision of their employment contract, including any confidentiality clause.
If the whistleblower was involved in the conduct which was the subject of the disclosure, the fact that the whistleblower has made the disclosure may be taken into account in determining the severity of the disciplinary measures, if any, that may eventually be taken against such whistleblower.]
The Club has several channels for reporting wrongdoing. In the first instance, any person who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a breach of a law or other standard of behaviour has occurred, is encouraged to report that suspicion to Human Resources Manager, Group CEO or Group gaming manager.
If this is considered inappropriate, the person should raise the concern with the Human Resources Manager, Group CEO or Group gaming manager, by phone or email, or in writing. You may also raise the matter with an “officer” or “senior manager” of the Club. This includes a director, or a senior manager in the Club who makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the company, or who has the capacity to affect significantly the Club’s financial standing.
If neither of these channels are deemed appropriate, disclosures may be made to the Club’s auditor PKF, via
– Contact: Scott Tobutt, Partner PKF Audit and Assurance
– Email:
– Postal address: Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000
– Telephone: (02)83466046
Where an allegation of wrongdoing relates to the Club’s tax affairs, a person may qualify for protection by disclosing the allegation to additional recipients; the Commissioner of Taxation or a registered tax agent or BAS agent (this may be the Club’s accountant).
All disclosures should provide specific, adequate and pertinent information with respect to, among other things, dates, places, persons, witnesses, amounts, and other relevant information, in order to allow for a reasonable investigation to be conducted. If the whistleblower discloses his or her name, the person receiving the disclosure will acknowledge having received the disclosure and may initiate a follow-up meeting. However, if the disclosure is submitted on an anonymous basis, there will be no
follow-up meeting regarding the disclosure and Burwood RSL Club Ltd will be unable to
communicate with the whistleblower if more information is required, or if the matter is to be referred to external parties for further investigation.
Please remember that all disclosures received will be dealt with on a confidential basis and whistleblowers are encouraged to disclose their identities, to obtain the protection afforded to them at law.
Burwood RSL Club Ltd recognises that maintaining appropriate confidentiality is crucial in ensuring that potential whistleblowers come forward and make disclosures in an open and timely manner and without fear of reprisals being made against them.
The Club will take all reasonable steps to protect the identity of the whistleblower and will adhere to any statutory requirements in respect of the confidentiality of disclosures made. In appropriate cases, disclosure of the identity of the whistleblower, or the allegation made by them, may be unavoidable, such as if court proceedings result from a disclosure pursuant to this policy.
Once a disclosure has been received from a whistleblower, the Club will consider the most appropriate action. This might include an investigation of the alleged conduct.
Any investigation in relation to a disclosure will be conducted promptly and fairly, with due regard for the nature of the allegation and the rights of the persons involved in the investigation. A report will not be investigated by a person who is implicated in the concern.
Burwood RSL Club Ltd will ensure that, provided the disclosure was not made anonymously, the whistleblower is kept informed of the outcomes of the investigation of his or her allegations, subject to the considerations of privacy of those against whom allegations are made.
Any reprisals against a whistleblower are a serious breach of this policy and may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. Where the Club becomes aware of any reprisals against a whistleblower for complying with this policy or the legislation, the Club will take steps to either overturn, or deem void, the decision or action. This protection applies to anyone providing information related to an investigation pursuant to this policy.
Minors Policy
Club Burwood RSL Group complies with section 52 of the Gaming Machines Act 2001 (NSW) which prohibits minors from being in a gaming area of a club.
Club Burwood Group displays the appropriate signage concerning persons under 18 outside of any gaming area.
If a person under 18 years of age is observed in a gaming area of Club Burwood Group, staff are aware that the minor is to be removed immediately. If a person is suspected of being under 18 years of age, such person may be requested to produce documentary evidence of age.
Club Burwood Group will ensure that staff induction and training provide information about which areas of the club are age-restricted areas (including gaming areas) and the relevant procedure if a person suspected of being under 18 years of age is observed in these areas.
Persons under the age of 18 are only permitted to use unrestricted areas of the Club provided that they remain under strict supervision of a parent, relative or responsible guardian.